Happy Birthday Blue! My poodley friend is one year old today and I can't remember what life was like without him. On top is a picture I took of Mr. Gorgeous 2 weeks ago. The second picture is him eating his birthday cake, off a fork. Yea…..it is sideways, hmmmmm, can't figure out how to fix that once it is on the blog. Sorry. The third picture is of one of his birthday presents, this one from Pat Shafer.
I am admitting to you, that I have become THAT dog lady and planned a birthday party for him during rug hooking on Friday. He has so many friends among the great rug hookers who regularly come here that I thought it was the perfect time for some birthday cake. Little did I know, they would, each and every one, bring him a birthday present. Colleen started it off, with a moose toy in a bag. He knew immediately it was for him. Then came Jeanette and Jackie with a fab blue dog toy and a black bird that makes the most amazing noise. He thinks it is just crazy and likes to carry it around with him. Then came Ken with a pull toy for him to play tug of war with his Blue Heeler old lady friend Torrey.

He quickly figured out that this whole day was for
him and he thought it was FANTASTIC. He was just beside himself with joy. He ate cake off the fork until he decided to expedite matters and just grab the whole piece off the plate with one big gulp. He politely licked all the chocolatey stuff off the doggy dessert Pat brought and then snarfed it down.
The bottom picture shows Blue at his station in the store. He is looking for customers (and cats). Now he thinks everyone that comes in should bring him a toy or a treat…..and well……he is right!

Thanks to everyone who made his birthday special. There is no doubt that dogs get the message that something special is going on, he really picked up on the spirit of the festivities!!!
Now to business…..the RETREAT in Nebraska City is over and it went wonderfully. The teachers were great, the rug hookers were all wonderful and their projects are fantastic.
Some are a little sad that it is the last time we will be at NE City, next year the retreat will be in 2 sections and be held here at the store. But do not despair rug hookers, it will be it's own kind of fun with it's own charm, I guarantee. The space is great here, the light is 1 million times better and Carl is every bit the chef. I suppose I should learn how to make scones, because I will admit they were a highlight of the event for me!
So next year, on Oct. 31, Nov 1 and 2 (that is a Sat Sun Mon) Diane Stoffel and Pris Buttler will teach at the first retreat weekend here at the store. They both are open classes, so you can bring a pattern, draw or buy one here at the store. But Pris is doing something new and wonderful too. She has drawn stool patterns, to hook a 16x16x6in stool. I will show the sample this week sometime. So you can opt to do the stool or do a rug of your choice.
Then 2 weeks later on Nov 13,14,15 Donna Hrkman and Ali Strebel will be here to teach on a Fri Sat Sun. If you don't know these teachers visit my newsletter at www.janicelee.biz, I wrote about all of them in my newsletter that went out yesterday. They are all fabulous and knowledgeable. Class is 295. with lunch and dinner included. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot, the balance is due May 1, 2015. As with all classes at the store, the teachers will color plan from my wool, no outside wool please.
Call or write to get more info, 402-359-2699 or janicelee@me.com.
Here are some events coming up that I should remind you about:
The day after Thanksgiving we will have all day hooking from 10-5, for those of you who do not want to go shopping!
First Saturday hooking will be Dec. 6 from 12-5. All are welcome, it is FREE and fun!
Our all day CHRISTMAS HOOKING PARTY will be Dec 13 from 10-5. Carl will make us something for lunch and everyone is invited to bring a Christmas treat to share, if they wish.
Of course, we have open hooking every Friday, without fail from 12-5. Join us.
I also have the Beeline Trunk Show here, with the new travel frame, both size cutters, long and short, the 14in orbiter frame and blades. There is no shipping from Beeline on this, so it is a good time to save a little on these items. I am also putting together a blade list for those needing blade sizes I don't have on hand. Please let me know if you would like me to order any sizes you need.
All for now. The birthday boy is looking droopy, so it is time to head off to bed. He will have sweet dreams about his fantastic birthday party and his amazing rug hooking friends!