Nine of us worked on our turkeys, every one in a different color plan. My turkey is plums and browns, some were turquoise flavored others were rich greys and tans.
Shown above are Suzanne Burgoin and Linda Stortenbecker, very serious about their projects.
Kathy Berkshire, Judy Orendorff work with teacher Jan Goos in the 2nd photo. In the 3rd photo Jan is going thru some of the stacks of wool here at the store, to select just the right thing for someone's primitive sunflower or pumpkin to accent their turkey.
It was a great class, fantastic people and a good time was had by all. I am almost done with my project, so I will show a picture later this week.
hook-in. Friday we will have OPEN hooking from 4 til 10pm. Carl will make dinner for all, there will be door prizes, of course. Then Saturday, we will have OPEN HOOKING from 9 to 6pm. I have hired Jan to teach a "Chalkware Santa" design to anyone interested in taking the class on Saturday. She will have 4 different Santa color combinations made up ahead of time. You will get to sign up for the class, select your color scheme, then I will make up the patterns and kits to be ready for October 4th. The pattern, on linen, and the wool for the hooked project will be only $50. The class, taught by Jan Goos, is on me, to thank all my customers for their continued wonderfulness.
Let me know if you would like to be on this class list. We will be able to have 20 or so working on Santas that day. You can get your name on the list, then pick out your Santa color (red, blue, white or brown) when the samples are available later this summer. For those not planning on hooking the Santa, we will have open hooking all day long, lunch, snacks and more prizes to be given out thru out the day. Plan to attend the Hook-in on October 3 at 120th and Pacific St in Omaha, from 9-3, then come join us for more hooking fun on Friday afternoon and evening and all day Saturday October 4th.
That will be here before we know it!!!!!!
Til next time.
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