I know I have mentioned the Omaha Hook-In coming up this Friday Oct 3. But have I mentioned all the preparations going on here at the store for our Hook-In Weekend. As most of you know, I know longer take wool to events. My motto is "Have Wool, Won't Travel". It is not that I don't love seeing all my rug hooking friends and customers. Oh, no…..I love seeing them all. It is just that it has gotten to be too big a chore to load up the wool, haul to the event, sell all day, load up, return home and unload and put away.
So……I am thrilled that you may be going to the Omaha Hook-In, Oct 3 from 9-4 at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, 120 and Pacific, Omaha Nebraska. But then, when those activities are over, come visit me at the store for more fun events. We will hook until 10pm on Friday night. Carl will bring us pizza for dinner and we will hook until we drop. There will be door prizes, sign up for a $100 drawing, color planning, fun and friends. Then Saturday morning we will have the Jan Goos
Chalkware Santa class form 9-3, more open hooking, door prizes, color planning, drawings etc. We will also have Cameron Mayville come speak to us about cleaning hooked rugs. It should be a fun and fascinating day. Oh, yes, Carl promises to bring us many delicious items thru out the day.
My point to this whole story is…..I have been dyeing wool like a crazy person. I will take pictures of the wool groupings to show in my blog….tomorrow. I also got in about 60 patterns from Kathy Morton and a ton from The Sampling. As always there are over 750 patterns here in the store
(who am I kidding, there are over 1000). Come visit this weekend, all patterns are $5 OFF.
Spring Fling ~
7 hours ago