I am showing you the rug I did of my son! Diane Stoffel helped me with it when she was here in March. I can assure you, it is not something I would tackle on my own. The rug shows my son Will after a day of working cattle. He is sitting on the cattle chute, a beverage in hand (I am sure it was a diet Pepsi, right). You can see the shadow of his horse next to him, the horse's head is lowered, as is the the head of the tired cowboy. You can see that they both had a hard day. Will's friend Heather is a wonderful photographer and snapped this picture at just the right moment. I knew the minute I saw the photo that I needed to hook it into a rug.
I blew the photo up at Kinko's, then transferred it off on linen, using red dot. I didn't worry about drawing in a lot of details, I knew I would add those as I hooked it. In person, you can see the tiny little silver buckles I added to his spur straps.
With Diane's help, I started on the hat, then worked the shirt, complete with wrinkles and turns to show the bend in his elbow. That was tricky! By the time I got to the jeans, I had figured it out and loved working with the blues to show the faded, worn jeans and creases in them. Diane kept throwing wool at me, saying "Use this for the shadow here, this is the rust on the chute, there."
This is the beauty of a wonderful teacher and Diane Stoffel is one of the BEST you will ever meet. She gives you such confidence working thru each element, until pretty soon, you are able to move on without her standing at your shoulder. Remember, there were 16 people in this class and each one got the attention they needed to hook their project, along with mini classes on color, technique tips and more.
I tell you this today…..because Diane is coming to teach a class my store this Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 25,26,27. The class has been full for a long while, and today…..I got a call from someone who is not going to be able to come. So, here is a rare opportunity to step into a Diane Stoffel class at the last minute.
Anyone interested, email me at janicelee@me.com for complete information. I guarantee it will be 3 of the most productive, educational and FUN days of your life.
Spring Fling ~
8 hours ago