Where have I been? That is a good question. I have been very remiss about my blogging, but I have a very good excuse. No, it is NOT because all my thoughts are with this puppy. Although, I would have every reason to forego my regular duties, just to stare at these pictures and think of puppy names.
But NO…..the reason I have not been blogging is because I have been so busy with the addition to the antique/rug hooking store, and I am thrilled to announce that it is DONE. I need one more gallon of floor paint, and I will guarantee you that I will be completely finished by noon tomorrow.

That will give me time to get the house ready for Thanksgiving. I, of course, host the holidays for my family. My grandmother always cooked the holiday meals and when I got married, it sort of passed on to me. How my mother got out of the loop I have never figured out, but I don't mind and love having people come, one and all.
There has always been a tradition in our house that if someone has no where to go for a holiday, they are welcome here. There is always an empty chair at our table for someone needing a temporary family. Trust me, this tradition has led to some interesting holidays. Last year, Leah was working at the Rose Theatre, music directing a show about pirates. She called 2 days before Thanksgiving and asked if she could invite 6 pirates for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, I said they were welcome.
. What a fun day we had. These young people, all in their twenties were actors trying to make their way in the world. For some this was their first professional gig. Out of town and away from their families, I think they appreciated the invitation to come to the farm. I took them on a gator ride thru the frozen fields after dinner, they petted horses and got to see the Scottish Highland cattle at the neighbors next door. Then……the singing began. I have a little grand piano in my wool/piano room and one of these kids could play the piano like crazy. They started by singing Christmas carols and moved on to Broadway songs. For hours the house rocked with their music.
This was enjoyed by all, except my cowboy son, Will. Remember him? Yeah, well, 6 singing pirates AND his sister all trying to out sing one another was just too much for him. Really, he has no sense of humor at all.
Tomorrow I will show you pictures of the finished addition, but till then, please enjoy the new pictures I got of the puppies and MY puppy in particular. My little guy has the green collar on. They are about 10 days old now and I am counting down the days until I can go pick him up. Life is about to change for me in a big way. Don't worry……you will all hear about it!!!!!
Happy Holidays…..