Here is another project from the Diana Geisinger class. This chair pad was hooked by Colleen Cochrane and shows another of the great faux borders we learned to hook in that class.
Diana walked us thru the steps and altho it is slightly tricky, once you get your rhythm they are fun and easy to do.
Good job Colleen! Great class Diana!
I have a true confession for Merlene Paul. I was delighted that she came to visit the shop last Friday. She is almost finished with a wonderful primitive rug that she drew as a gift for her mom. It is the family farm and is beautifully done. She allowed me to take pictures of her and the rug so I could blog about them. It was about 8pm when I discovered that I forgot to put the card in the camera, when I took the pictures. I hope she will take some snaps and send them to me, so I can share her beautiful family heirloom.
The weather outside appears to be preparing for our nightly storm, so I suppose Blue and I should go in the house. That is all for now.
Ezra ~
1 day ago
Such rich colors in Colleen's chair pad! The edging sure does give it a look of braiding and I'm sure it is as difficult to draw the design on the linen as it is to hook it.