On top is a picture taken at the groomers a few weeks ago. We are still going to the groomer, Mandy McMenamin at Unleahed Dog Spa, every week. I told Mandy we would come every week until Blue will stand for grooming like a show dog. We are NOT there yet, but he does get better every week. He hates having his feet clipped, but with some treats and Mandy's amazing patience, things have greatly improved.
Blue is 4 months now, weighs 40 lbs and is 22.5 inches at the shoulder. We have been attending a puppy socialization and obedience class every week and he is smart, smart, smart. So smart, that he figured out how to open the back yard gate, how to pop the top on his dog food container to steal his lunch, how to untie his leash from whatever he is tied too. It is great to have such a wizard of a puppy.
The bottom picture shows Blue with me at the theatre. I was working with a student on the stage, Blue is in his normal position. Notice he has blocked me off, so I cannot move without him noticing. That is because he is my absolute shadow. He is everything I wanted in a dog, smart, loving, out going and social. He has also developed a big bark, he definitely sounds like a baby Rottweiler when he does not like the looks of someone. I like that about him too. No wimpy Poodle here!
I will be putting pictures of our rugs from class up soon.