Sandy went along to help me and I kept her hoppin' for four days. Jan Goos came along to take the class and helped out too. Thanks Jan and Sandy!
Many of these ladies are 'fine' rug hookers, but kept an open mind to the idea of making 'homely' rugs. Everyone tried to incorporate some of the aging techniques in their rug design and color plan. When they are finished, I hope they will send me photos to put on the 'Heirloom' page on my website.
On the last day of the workshop we shared TIPS and I heard lots of interesting things. Did you know that a group of rug hookers at a get-together is called a RUG HOOKING FROLIC, in the same way a group of quilters together is called a QUILTING BEE? You can thank Tania Tipton for that one. I love it!
Pictured above are all the ladies from the class. I am in the middle, holding my favorite rug based on an antique design 'Heirloom Horse'. Check my website PATTERNS page to see other heirloom designs that I have been inspired by. I have been busy drawing patterns!!!! Check them out.
Until next time,